5 newest improved varieties of wheat

Wheat is cultivated in almost every region of the country. Wheat is cultivated on 23 percent of the total land in the whole world, so wheat is considered a worldwide important crop. Wheat is mainly a cold and dry climate crop.
Wheat is cultivated in almost every region of the country. Wheat is cultivated on 23 percent of the total land in the whole world, so wheat is considered a worldwide important crop. Wheat is mainly a cold and dry climate crop.
For good production of any crop, it is necessary to know about its good and right varieties, if the right varieties are selected, then the farmer will get good production from his crop. So today in this article we are going to give you information about the 5 newest improved varieties of wheat, which will lead to good production.
Karan Narendra
This variety of wheat is one of the special varieties. This variety is also known as DBW 222. This variety of wheat gets ready within 143 days. The average yield of this variety is 65.1 per hectare. It has been developed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Karnal. This variety has come among the farmers in 2019.
Karan Vandana
This special variety of wheat is also called DBW-187 (DBW-187). The crop of this variety matures in 120 days and is ready. The average yield of this variety is 75 quintals per hectare.
Pusa Yashasvi
This variety of wheat is cultivated in the states of Kashmir, Himachal, and Uttarakhand. The average yield of this variety is 57.5 to 79. 60 quintals per hectare. The specialty of this variety is that it is resistant to mildew and rot disease. The right time for sowing this type of crop is best from November 5 to November 25.
Karan Shriya
This variety of wheat is cultivated in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal. It takes 127 days for this variety of crops to mature. The average yield of this variety is 55 quintals per hectare.