The right time to cultivate wheat, seed rate, seed treatment, and sowing method

Wheat is mostly sown after paddy. Therefore, the sowing of wheat is mostly delayed. We have to decide in advance which variety of paddy to choose in Kharif and which species of wheat to be sown after that in Rabi. Timely sowing of paddy is necessary to get a good yield of wheat so that the field becomes empty for wheat in the month of October. The second thing to be noted is that due to puddling leva in paddy, the land becomes hard.
Wheat is mostly sown after paddy. Therefore, the sowing of wheat is mostly delayed. We have to decide in advance which variety of paddy to choose in Kharif and which species of wheat to be sown after that in Rabi. Timely sowing of paddy is necessary to get a good yield of wheat so that the field becomes empty for wheat in the month of October.
Wheat sowing
Wheat should be sown on time and at sufficient moisture. Late maturing species must be sown on time, otherwise, the yield decreases. As sowing is delayed, the rate of decline in wheat yield increases. In sowing in December, the yield of wheat decreases at the rate of 3 to 4 q/ha, and on sowing in January at the rate of 4 to 5 q/ha per week. Fertilizer and seed can be saved by sowing wheat with a seed drill.
Seed Rate and Seed Treatment
In line sowing, in normal conditions, 100 kg and coarse grain is 125 kg per hectare, and in the case of sprinkling sowing, normal grain 125 kg coarse grain should be used at the rate of 150 kg per hectare. Before sowing, definitely check the deposition percentage. This facility is available free of cost at state research centers.
If the seed germination capacity is less, then increase the seed rate accordingly and if the seed is not certified, then it must be treated. Sow after treatment. In areas with limited irrigation, if sowing by raised weed method, use 75 kg and coarse grain at the rate of 100 kg per hectare in normal conditions.
Row spacing
In normal conditions 18 cm to 20 cm and a depth of 5 cm
In case of delayed sowing, 15 cm to 18 cm and depth of 4 cm.
Wheat sowing method
Sowing should be done in the furrows behind the plow or with the help of fertilizers on the proper moisture content of the soil. It is preferable to sow only after picking. It should be kept in mind that there must be 400 to 500 spiked plants per square meter after the buds emerge, otherwise, it will have an adverse effect on the yield. To avoid delay, sow with Pantnagar Zerotrail seed and fertilizer drill. Sowing by tractor-operated roto till drill is more profitable.